
Malcolm Venturoni
Malcolm Venturoni is a Director of the Professional Divers Group and has been with the organization for over 25 years. Malcolm operates as Managing Director of Professional Diving Services and Professional Divers Training Academy. Malcolm is an ADAS Training and Assessment Manager mainly overseeing the dive supervisor programs but also assisting in all training including Part 1R, Part 1, Part 2 and Chamber Operator courses. Malcolm is a commercial Diving Supervisor (ADAS 03581) and has over 11,000 hours of commercially logged dive time and has supervised in excess of 6,500 dives. Malcolm also oversees diving operations for Professional Diving Services involving the management of multimillion dollar diving contracts. When looking for divers Malcolm always states “A first class diver needs to have the right attitude, commitment and first class training, then we polish them to be a professional diver.”

Frank Zeigler
Frank Zeigler is the CEO of Professional Divers Group and oversees the training that the organization conducts through the Professional Divers Training Academy (ADAS commercial diver training establishment) but also through Smarter Safer Solutions, the groups registered RTO. Frank has in excess of 35 years training experience as an instructor in both the commercial and recreational diving industry. Frank is a commercial diver and diving supervisor (01924) and has extensive experience managing diving projects throughout Australia and overseas. Frank holds a Masters Degree in Occupational Health and Safety from the University of Newcastle, his major thesis was on Risk Management in the Onshore and Offshore Dive Industry. Frank is an ADAS dive trainer and assists in all aspects of Professional Divers Training Academy’s training of commercial divers.

Cate Venturoni
Cate Venturoni is the Administration Manager of the Professional Divers Group and operates in this role for both Professional Diving Services and Professional Divers Training Academy. Cate is responsible for course scheduling, booking and administration of PDTA, ADAS and student course information and documentation. Cate is a qualified ADAS occupational diver (03883) and is a registered nurse with a degree in Hyperbaric nursing and over 15 years of experience in clinical hyperbaric operations.