Professional Divers Group

Mission Statement
The mission of Professional Divers Group is to offer a service of excellence in commercial diving, underwater construction, salvage and diving instruction to our customers. In addition, the occupational training division, Smarter Safer Solutions, and Professional Divers Training Academy offers educational and occupational health and safety services of exceptional quality to industry best practice.
To affect our mission, we maintain our values of knowing our customers, involving our staff and providing quality in everything we do. We aim to provide leadership in the development of safe, innovative, cost effective efficient services, through skilled and motivated professional staff whose competencies reflect leading contemporary practice with state of the art facilities and superior equipment.
Staff are empowered to focus on a safe working environment, professionalism and innovation with continual improvement, responsible environmental management and knowing the uniqueness of our business and customers while caring for the public at all times. Staff training, where it enhances our ability to deliver a quality product will be encouraged and strongly supported. Our mission will be delivered though effective policy and review systems.